Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life Happens

It's been quite some time since I've been able to write. Life happens. Things get hectic, work gets busy, meetings with friends and family add onto full agendas. No complaints here because I'm CONNECTing with people, places and things.

I do feel however, that something is missing. When I don't put pen to paper (or rather, fingers to keypad), my head gets a little fuzzy. I'm scatter-brained and I just want to get it all out of my head. I'm glad I've come to this realization because I know very well and desire for writing to be a constant in my life. I hope I provide the tiniest bit of excitement and entertainment to your life through my words. Here we go...

These are the happenings:

1. A personal trip for the love of music to Texas turned into a business trip. I landed in San Antonio, TX and was hired (swooped up) on the spot by a Captain at one of my fellow Trader Joe's stores. So I'm moving up and moving back to Texas!

2. I crossed an item off my bucket list, and ran 26.2 long, hard miles on the hills of San Francisco, CA.

3. I've connected with new friends and reconnected with old friends and life hasn't felt more fulfilling than it has at this very moment ;D

I hope to share more details about the points above [especially the marathon for all you runners and athletes] and provide you with a chuckle or two, but for now...

Let life take it's course. Don't speed it up or slow it down. Let it unfold and bloom at it's own pace. Go with it, flow with it, embrace it. Live here, live now.


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