Saturday, September 8, 2012


Indecision: a wavering between two or more possible courses of action

I, Arikka Rin, admit to being a very indecisive individual.

It's always been a bad habit I couldn't break. I am not fond of indecisiveness or individuals who are indecisive (that includes myself - I've never been happy with myself when I can't make a simple decision like which boba flavor to choose! Really, Arikka?!! It's not that hard and there are far more important decisions to make in life!)

During my recent travels, I have learned to nip that bad boy in the butt! When roaming in Italy, I had to make travel decisions on the fly. Which hostel to stay in, whether to cancel or not so I could visit Florence, what train to take, which route to take back to France, etc. etc. etc. When traveling and backpacking, especially, you just got to make a decision and go. I witnessed that in my friend, Jared ;) [Thanks Hun for the valuable lesson!] Don't get me wrong it's not like indecision has vanished from my life, but I am much more aware of it's presence. It's like a whammy and when it creeps up on me, I whack the hell out of it!

Today, I was on the receiving end of a situation involving indecision. It was rather irritating and has shown me what I must have looked like all the times I could say, "Yes!" or "No!" It motivated me to move on with my day and not wait. That's another thing I'm no longer a fan of...waiting. [Shaking head, again and again...and again] So needless to say, my awareness for this devilish whammy has grown exponentially in just a matter of minutes today. I DO NOT want to be indecisive! This goes back to my 18th lesson learned while living in France...JUST DO IT!

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