Monday, September 24, 2012

"We all make choices in life, the hardest part is living with them."

Two amazing events occurred tonight!

1. I stayed awake throughout the entire, let me repeat that - ENTIRE - duration of the one hour, 36 minute "The Words!"

If you know me at all, you know I'm a sleeper. One of my dear friends has even named me "Snooze." The minute I sit down and get comfortable, the lights go out. I've always tried to fight it, but you know I can't help it (shrugging shoulders) - that's just what I do.

As the film came to an end, a black frame rolled in and then the credits, I couldn't tell if I was more excited about the story I'd just witnessed, that Bradley Cooper was the Executive Producer or because I FRIGGIN' LASTED! Perhaps, the excitement was a combination of the three?! No fighting, no fidgeting, no use of all my effort just to keep my eyes peeled! I just managed to stay awake ;) This is only the second time in my adult life where I can remember staying awake for an entire film (the first was Paris-Manhattan in France.) I do know this, I am extremely proud of this new accomplishment! ;D

2. A great film to me is when you are so captivated by the story that you escape your own reality and you literally feel like you are physically inside the story on the big screen, living each and every moment of it as it unfolds in front of your eyes. I had a recollection! That intense and believable feeling I had while watching "The Words" is exactly why I went to film school and wanted to break into the biz - to allow people to escape reality for just an hour or two to live inside someone else's reality. Furthermore, I wanted to create stories where people could relate to and really connect with the characters, seeing themselves as one of them.

Unfortunately, I no longer have the desire to create films in the production sense, but rather, I have come to love the base, the foundation of a film which is the story. It's funny, I used to work in a writers' office in Hollywood and had absolutely no desire to do what those writers did day in, day out. Time has passed, I have grown up and now, all I want to do is write ;D In everything that I do, I find a connection to words and start painting the story in my head. I can't stop it, words just flow continuously like a rushing river! Isn't it strange how life works out sometimes? I've found in some cases, our desires become our fears and our fears our desires.

I'd highly recommend "The Words" to anyone. The score fits just like a glove. Casting was spot on. There was one scene where I really enjoyed the cinematographer's eye. He captured Jeremy Irons's eye (The Old Man) through a hole in the leaves of a plant sitting on a shelf. Aspiring writers, this one has a lot of techniques to learn from too ;) I'm interested to find out my fellow film buffs' views on the film [one in particular, you know who you are ;)] I've never been one to spill over a film and what my critique was, but this one's got me going. I don't want to spoil anything more because it's still a fairly new release, but I'd love to hear your reviews once you see the film. [You can post them in the comments section below.]

I'll leave you with one quote from the movie that struck me, and I can relate to very, very well:

"We all make choices in life, the hardest part is living with them." - The Old Man

1 comment:

  1. There were moments I found myself feeling the true emotion of this movie. I was feeling the raw emotion of a new romance, the pain of a loss, the excitement of something found, the fear of being found out. And in the greenhouse The Words rang clear,"We all make choices in life, the hard thing is to live with them and there ain't nobody that can help you with that." I loved this movie, it truly touched my soul.
