Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prét à Manger

No, not the deli chain in Manhattan. I'm talking to you. Are you ready to eat?

If you know me well, I LOVE FOOD! When I'm eating breakfast I think about lunch, when I eating lunch I think about dinner, when I'm eating dinner I think about breakfast and I always, ALWAYS think about dessert ;P It occurred to me I've failed to tell you about meals here in France so here we go...

This was my dinner tonight, not typical but it felt very special and made with <3.

Épinards Tarte (Spinach  Tart)

Boules de Cantaloup (Canteloupe Balls)

Gâteau au Chocolat Mini-sans gluten, sans lactose (Chocolate Cake made with chocolate from Chocogil)

Maman made the meal minus the dessert. Louise and I made the dessert of course, and it had to be chocolat because the girl absolutely loves chocolat. I made Gâteau au Châtaigne Mini (Chestnut Cake) the other day and she cut it in half and stuck two chocolat du lait (milk chocolate) tablets in the middle and made a cake sandwich. There is not a day when the girl doesn't eat chocolat!

Any who, I say our dinner was not typical tonight because every meal (or 9/10) is eaten with le pain- bread. If you're on the Atkins diet, Paleo diet or anything that steers you away from carbs, then you won't survive in France! Thank heavens the Lenten season is in February because I had given up bread and stuck to it for a while after Lent ended. When I got here, that old habit of cutting the carbs flew out the window, down the street and I've never seen it since!

Breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day. It still is for the most-part here in France, but there's something missing. Breakfast consists of le pain or le croissant avec le buerre and/or confiture et café. Bread or croissants with butter and/or jam and coffee. I love, love, love croissants aux amande or croissants aux chocolat, but haven't been too pleased with the ones here in Saint-Dizier ;( (I made up for that in Paris when I had the best croissant aux chocolat at Poilâne. Didn't even have time to snap a photo because after the first bite it was gone in hot second!) It's a light breakfast and gets me going for the day, but something is missing!....CEREAL!!! I enjoy a great bowl a cereal with fresh fruit, dried fruit or nuts with almond milk. That's the Breakfast of Champions in my book! I bought granola cereal and it left much to be desired, and the only dairy alternative here is soy, which is not so great for drinking (much better for baking.) So that's breakfast for ya.

Lunch and dinner are similar or even the same as each other at times. A vegetable, a protein, bread, cheese and an aperitif (usually red currant wine my papí makes). Today, I prepared gluten-free pasta with tomato basil marinara and smoked salmon and bread, of course. Maman et moi had yaourt de soja cerisse (Soy Cherry Yogurt) for dessert. The soy yogurt here is so bomb!!! We get it from a specialty store or a bio marché that sells all organic products. I was surprised they even have stores like that here!

The first week I was here though, we ate more traditionally. After your meal comes the fromage (cheese), then dessert, then café or thé. Lately, we've been omitted the fromage (but not because I have issues with dairy, I think Maman prefers her meals without lactose.) So tonight's meal of no pain or fromage was unusual but a nice change.

I'm already dreaming of my croissant aux amande et crème for breakfast...

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