Friday, July 27, 2012

Madames/Monsieurs, Que les jeux commencent!

After 5 hours of ceremonies, the Olympic Games have officially begun :D

I am inspired, moved and amazed at the production by Danny Boyle. He told several stories starting from the past and moving towards modern times. Job well done, Danny!

Watching each country enter the stadium was exceptional. I love seeing differences and similarities in the human race. And though I love the world and routing for all, when the US team walked in I couldn't help but get giddy ;D

The Olympic Flame was the last part of the ceremony. It's fabrication was magnificent!!! My heart was beating as the long steel rods lifted into the sky to form a ring of fire ;D Brilliance at it's best!

Monde de la nuit bonne ;)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

London 2012

As you may know already, the games are already under way :D

The Olympic Games are most likely my favorite event on the planet!!!!! It's the one time when all the world is on the same page. We're all watching, cheering on our home teams and witnessing extraordinary physical power, stamina and performance. As an athlete myself, I am in complete admiration and awe of all the athletes that make it to the games ;D

Opening Ceremony kicks off tomorrow, but I just finished watching coverage on francetv. Can anyone tell me why Tony Parker is so good looking?

I also saw an exceptional documentary by Gaël Leiblang about Usain Bolt, titled "L'homme le plus rapide du monde" ("The Fastest Man in the World"). It almost made me cry that's how good it was! Perhaps, because I ran Track & Field and I understand the mindset of a runner and what it feels like to have your spikes dig into the all-weather track? But I'm positive anyone would enjoy this documentary because it's about dedication, perseverance and courage - things we call all relate to in one way or another.

Props to the US Women's Soccer team for beating France today too!!! I feel conflicted saying that because I'm living in France and have grown to appreciate the land, culture and people :/ But it's my home team, and you got to "...route, route, route for the home team!!!"

Good night and good luck world.

Summertime in Paris

A few days late and a few euros short, but as promised...stories through photos ;)

First and foremost, shopping in Les Halles.

The Golden Gates around The Louvre.

We all were enjoying resting our feet in the waters of the Louvre ;P

I cut the top of the building off, pardon :/

 PS. If you've made it this far...thanks for reading til the end :D Today I completed a half-marathon training run, "climbed in the trees" with ma famille at Accroder and now I'm about to go swimming. I'm a living example of Nike's famous motto...


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Red Light District

After a wonderful weekend with my beautiful nephews, I'm in Frankfurt for the night before my train heads back to France tomorrow morn.

Tonight has been one heck of a wild ride!

I got off the train in the chaos of the evening and found my hostel conveniently located right across the street from the train station. Unfortunately, it's right on the edge of the Red Light District...strange, strange town! I quickly checked in, made my bed, said "Ciao!" to the roomies and was out the door.

I was on a MISH to find Micha Bubble Tea. A boba spot I found on yelp :p So I made it just in the nick of time, but they ran out of boba :( Just my luck! So I had a Matcha Black Sesame drink instead. It was good, but not great. Luckily, the girl working took time making the matcha carefully (it's usually not a short task when making it the traditional way), since no customers were in sight. But as soon as she handed me my drink, I brought the last-minute rush.

MISH #2: Locate Koh Samui for a Thai dinner.

On the way to Koh Samui, I stumbled across a PRIDE music fest, with bangin' music, plenty of German beer, plenty of wurst, plenty of characters (the feather man) and plenty of lovin' ;p Thank goodness I had the urge to wander and not eat free pasta at the hostel, or I would've missed out on the FUN! I only stayed for one song because my stomach was calling the shots :/

When I found it, I was glad to sit down and enjoy a quite tranquil dinner. It was pretty awesome, I must say! I sat next to a 4-top of Japanese folk speaking in their native tongue, listened to Vanessa Williams' "Save the Best for Last" and stared at the bare breasts of a mermaid as I ate my fried fish with hot Thai curry. The night couldn't get any better than this, right?!? It was perfect!!! (Thanks for that one, JJ ;D)

Oh but no, the night did get better ;p I found my BOBA! I headed back to the festival and they were paying tribute to Whitney Houston. I got to order on an iPad and this is shocking, but... I could argue that the boba may be better than a lot of spots I've tried in CA!!!!!!! Not the drink, but the boba. High quality stuff ;D Just the way I like it!

I walked home, boba in hand, and got checked out by a gentleman in French. It's funny he probably thought I had no clue what he was saying...he thought wrong, hah! Instead of taking the same route home that I took to Koh Samui, I walked through the RLD. Not a wise decision, but I knew where I was headed and didn't look back. It was the final MISH! And I made it home, safely.

I did come across an important realization while on the journey home...I do not want to wander the world alone any longer. I'm tired of it. If anyone would like to wander with me please call 0787819514.

I got home to still have no clue how to open my door, but my Asian roomie (I haven't figured out which country he's from yet?!?) let me in - again. Luckily, I wasn't the only one. I walked to my door at the same time as my roomie from the Philippines. We laughed at ourselves for not figuring out how this damn door is supposed to work! The rooms here are dormitory style and I'm rooming with 7 people from around the globe. It's like the international version of the Real World...pretty dope!

Unfornately, I left my USB cable for my camera back in France. I'm terribly sorry. Photos should be posted tomorrow when I make it back (no guarantees though, might hope on a plane to Rome tomorrow ;D). Until then, CHEERS!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thoughts on the train...

20 Juillet

I'm living in France at the moment.

On a train to Germany to visit my nephews.

Dreaming of an upcoming (unplanned) trip to Rome.

Just finished The $100 Startup. What's the first thing I do after I put the book down? ...Look at the list of ingredients and manufacturer of an energy bar I consumed 30 minutes ago.

I pick up my notebook to jot down notes about what I just read (not plans, just notes.)

The first page contains notes from an online business class I took a few months back.
"Entrepreneurial Success," it said, "is: Desire, Diligence, Determination, Details and Discipline."
[The latter is what I lack.]

I flip through a couple more's hard to think (one of the gentlemen across from me reeks of smoke and this is a non-smoking train.)

Concentrate Arikka!

OK, back to the pages...I see a list of places I'd like to visit in Paris. Besides the obvious, Eiffel Tower, the list is full of boulangeries, chocolatiers and patisseries. Champs-Élysées wasn't even on the list!


I MUST do something involved with food! It's what really makes me tick! It's all I think about some days. When I'm eating one meal, I'm thinking about the next.

I was staring at the can the good-looking (Swiss, I think) man was drinking out of that sat beside me. I wanted to know what drinks are popular around here, and I even had the urge to just pick up the can and test the product myself! [The beer was Gosier, btw.] Point is: I was staring at the can, not the good-looking man when I'm a good-looking single lady. What can I say?!? I'm in LOVE with food & drink, not pretty boys (shrugging shoulders). [The beer was Gosier, btw.]

I live, breathe and consume (literally) food! I MUST create a living based around this necessity in life. NOW is the time to discipline myself.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Just remember, not all who wander are lost."

Dear friends, family and the kind strangers reading the story of my life,

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! It's been eight days since I've been able to sit in front of my Mac and write away, eight days too long!!! Life has been a whirlwind. Last week was London and Luxembourg. This week(end) it's Rochetaileé-Dijon-Wiesbaden-Frankfurt-Paris-and hopefully Rome! I'm just like my mother...I just can't sit still (shrugging my shoulders).

I've hit a few road bumps along the way, but I'm climbing up the hill and know I'll reach the top in due time. My wonderful, supportive and oh-so-loving godparents gave me a necklace with a quote on it, and it's been resonating with me more and more..."Just remember, not all who wander are lost." I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I changed the name of this blog from "Lover. Traveller. Entrepreneur." to "Lover. Traveller. Dreamer." I'm not yet an entrepreneur, I'm working my way up to that point. There's a ton of ideas twirling around in my brain, but no concrete foundations just yet. I have a little more soul-searching to do. I'm still dreaming, still wandering, but not entirely lost. Yes, I admit it, I'm lost dammit! But don't worry [Nina and Nino] I'm finding my way ;D

Perhaps, this blog will turn into something bigger, better and life-changing for all? Or traveling and living to tell stories about my adventures will become my mission in life? Or I may just open that tiny boutique patisserie on that cobblestone street in the city and serve up the most delightful pastries your lips have ever touched leaving you with a grin on your face ;)? Who knows? In due time, I'll share the outcome with you all.

But for now, if I haven't said it already, THANK YOU!!! Thank you for reading, staying tuned and sharing your comments/thoughts about my life/adventures here in France/Europe. You are the reason I continue to write. You are my inspiration. I hope you will stay tuned as I have lots in store for you :D (especially from the last eight days!) I would love to hear about your adventures as well, so feel free to leave a comment or two whenever your heart desires.

Merci beaucoup et a tout a l'heure,
Miss Arikka

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

London Bridge is Falling Down, Falling Down, Falling Down...

...not on me though!

I'm not sure if it's because I was in London for more than four hours or if it's because it's so jolly, but I like London a little more than Paris. Is that wrong?!? I'm definitely going to visit Paris again to make my final decision. More on that later...

As soon as I stepped into the cabby, I was having a grand ol' time just driving through the streets of London to Buckingham Palace to have tea with the Queen. Louise and I received a special invitation (our official photos have not yet arrived...)

Seeing those rings was like nothing I've ever experienced :D
Our cabby was the 2nd one, The Black Widow ;)

Changing of the Guards Ceremony

My invitation to Buckingham Palace

I absolutely loved the proper English. NO slang, NO ebonics, NO Spanglish, NO Franglais...just polite and proper English! I could see myself living there because for one, I can speak English, and two it reminds me of New York, busy and bustling. The only problem's too darn expensive!

I got to eat one of my favorite meals as a child, Fish n' Chips, but obviously, the REAL Fish n' Chips and I was surprised, it didn't tickle my fancy as much as I thought I would :( I had my heart set on Indian since there's a vast population of inhabitants there, but I'll have to save that for my next visit. I did have some Japanese noodles at Wagamama, a fast service type of place with long communal tables (that's a great idea, by the way, if you're opening a restaurant.) The noodles weren't my cup of tea, but the coconut milk with lemongrass and lime broth was comforting as well as the bok choy (another childhood favorite!) I was so proud of myself for telling my waiter that he was a beautiful man and left him a rather generous tip ;p I'm not sure what the percentage rate for tips in England is, but I heard it's less than the states?!? Oh well, he was very kind, apologetic for giving me my change (which was a lot) in all coins since he just started his shift, and he even gave me a wink ;) so he deserved it!
The Real McCoy

Here are just a few photos from London (more to come later)...I'm off to Luxembourg to see "Midnight City."
London Eye
House of Parliament and Big Ben
On our river cruise on the Thames
Tower Bridge & The Battleship from WWI
Louise and I in front of the Tower Bridge

Sunday, July 8, 2012

London Bound

Back with stories to tell plus tard ;P


Je rèpéte...

I will not have une grande maison. I will not have tile floors. I will not clean on Sundays.

I will let you use your imagination as to why...

Friday, July 6, 2012


I stayed up late and waited for the fireworks to light up the sky, and waited, and waited...and waited. Although there were no fireworks on the 4th, I did have some freedom.

After making hamburgers for lunch (handmade patties - first time in my life!) I left the house at 15h and didn't return until 21h30. It was liberating and completely tranquil although my feet would have to argue otherwise. I ate ice cream, shopped until I was about to drop (literally), walked in the rain and ate at a restaurant called Le Cous Cous. 

Unfortunately, my buns were too big :/
Miko ice cream, made fresh in our little town of Saint-Dizier. That grey machine squirts out the ice cream into the cones from a cylindrical tube...pretty neat!
I felt like I hit the jackpot when I found tortillas and tortilla chips at the marché! Viva Mexico!!!
What I thought was going to be a Moroccan feast, was actually a meal created, prepared and cooked by an Arabian family (Papa had informed me later.) I didn't know couscous was an Arabian dish so I looked it up and found that it was originally a North African Berber dish. That makes sense because  there is a great population of Berber's in France, especially in Paris (thanks to AFAR Magazine for that tidbit - awesome travel mag, btw!). Back to dîner, I loved that my only hydration was a petit carafe of red wine. This is common in France, usually our source of hydration is wine. Luckily, in my family's home, water is the drink of choice. Water has always been choice for me so thanks Jodi, for finding the perfect family! 

The plates were beautiful at Le Cous Cous! 
Not sure if I was supposed to put this trail mix in my couscous, but I did it anyways and it was darn good ;p

 Couscous Poulet served with a hot steaming bowl of vegetables in broth that were TDF!

The whole shebang :p I realized later I was supposed to pile everything onto each other (shrugging shoulders).
The meal as a whole was great, however, I wasn't too fond of the couscous. You think a restaurant with a name, "Le Cous Cous" would have stellar couscous, right?!? Not the case. My favorite was the vegetables which were so moist in the broth that they melted in your mouth! Reminded me of my mom's beef stew veggies. Second favorite was the trail mix or dried fruit mix I should say since there were no nuts in it.

I'm not sure if it was the wine, humidity or the warm veggies and broth but I was sweating bullets like crazy!!! And usually when I drink wine I can eat a lot more but I couldn't even get through have of it. What's even more crazy was I passed on dessert! That's like unheard of for me!!! I was so sad :( The waiter took my plates and I completely forgot to ask for them to be boxed. When I did ask, he thought I wanted to place an order to go, pour parti. I said no and asked if they had la boîte and he said only for parti. So I think they had already tossed my food out or my French was so horrible that the waiter just had to say no. I felt so terrible for wasting so much food, but now I know...I just can't dine alone. The meals (at least at Le Cous Cous) are meant for 2-3, pas un!

My last hour of freedom was winding down...I walked home without the rain and remembered I had Cookies Framboises et Fraises avec Pepites du Chocolat in my bag from the local co-op, Biomonde. So I did not forgo dessert after all! The chocolate chip cookie made with raspberries and strawberries hit the spot ;P That's the next recipe on my list to test.

When I got inside and was ready for bed I stared at the window waiting for the light to go down and to see explosions in the sky, but there were none, of course. I couldn't wait to read the NY Times the next morning to see the highlights of the show on the Hudson River. A show that I saw about 3 years ago, well actually, I saw the shade of the black sky brighten up since buildings were blocking my view :( They had one photo that just did it for me...

I got my fireworks afterall :D

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!!

Today marks two celebrations: our nation's independence and one month of living, surviving and thriving in France :D

I've always loved watching the fireworks on 4th of July, and always wished I could do it with someone special (luckily, I have done that in my lifetime.) Today I'm wishing I could do it all over again ;)

The 4th has never been a big holiday for me. When you're abroad, you learn to appreciate your country - it's history, legacy - and are proud to call yourself an American. Call me homesick if you want, but I wish I was home on the Delta of Stockton watching the fireworks with three little boys who light up my world ;D

Since today marks my one month anniversary in France (WOO HOO!) I've been compiling a list of things I truly enjoy about living here. I hope you enjoy....

1. Waking up to the birds chirping outside my window and breathing in the cool morning air.

2. Watching the green rolling planes go by when driving through the villages of France.

3. Old towns with narrow streets and cobblestone sidewalks. [I found (and walked) on a European street I've always dreamed of in Langres.]
Langres, a historic town closed in by fort walls that sits on top of a hill in the east of France.

4. Riding a bike at lightning speed through town because it makes me feel FREE like Julia Roberts in "Eat, Pray, Love."

5. That the speed limits read 90 and 110 on national highways (it only amounts to about 56-68 mph) but it feels like you're going 90 or 110 mph!

6. People watching on le Métro in Paris.
Rush hour

7. How fashionable the French are and that no one will leave their homes unless they're outfit is pressed.

8. Eating a fresh baguette on a daily basis.

9. That I have the time and can sunbath at least twice a week.
Unfortunately, the day I took this photo I was not sunbathing.
10. That I now pronounce the word, "Oui," "way" like the French do instead of "we" like we Americans do back home.

11. That the sun does not go down until just about 23:00h.

One of my best friends asked me about a week into my stay if I could see myself living here long term. I can confirm now that the answer is yes, but only if I'm at least an hour away from Paris (not 2 or 3) and if I'm not an Au Pair. I miss my FREEDOM!!!

TGIF! (Pardon the tardiness)

Good things always seem to happen on Fridays (well Wednesdays are pretty cool too, but today was a blast!)

I had one of the most relaxing, enjoyable, liberating 45 minutes this morning. For those 45 minutes, I did not have to cook, clean, iron, vacuum, mop, cook or clean. I was a customer, and a pampered customer at that ;D I got my hurr did today! [Sorry, Elise, I've been trying to hold off and grow my hair out for your wedding but I just couldn't take it anymore =(.] Luckily, Louise was there to help translate because Damien, my hairdresser, couldn't speak any English. Louise told him I spoke more Spanish, but he laughed at himself and said he couldn't speak anything but French. We got by OK with my hand gestures, and he did an awesome job! He was so laid-back and I kept admiring his style and plethora of tattoos. He had one on his knuckles that I absolutely loved and I asked him and Louise what it meant but she couldn't tell me...damn, I shoulda had my camera!

Not a good angle, but the work of Damien :D
After running in and out of stores in the city to get out of the rain, we finally caught the bus. Man, I really love how pleasant and friendly the bus drivers are in this city! We had the same bus driver from when we got on the bus two hours before. God bless her for driving in short circles all day!!! I would go stir-crazy, for sure!

I returned to back to reality when we got home and was back to cooking, vacuuming and mopping for the afternoon. I have to admit (and I'm not at all ashamed to) that I could never be a housewife. It's not my cup of tea! I only enjoy it for it's therapeutic value, but otherwise, I can't do it all day. I'm over it. I love working with people and using my artistic abilities too much to be stuck in a house all day by myself cooking, cleaning, etc.

Louise's friends came over in the afternoon and we went swimming. Actually the majority of the time I was taking pictures of them in the pool, rather than swimming, but I didn't mind ;) And I think I scored points with her Elaina and Solene because I baked gluten-free and dairy free cookies (that they actually liked) and Coca-Cola sans caffeine ;P The girls invited me to a concert that evening in the park, which I was thrilled about because I love, absolutely LOVE live music! Come to think of it, I think they may have just needed a chaperon because their parents were not likely to let them go, haha. Oh well, if watching three preteen girls on a Friday night meant I had the chance to see, hear and feel live music, I had to jump at the chance!

Inna Modja was the artist we went to see. Her music is feel good, head bobbin', body shakin', power of love type stuff. Inna was pleasant, but her guitarist was even more entertaining. He was jammin' so hard to each song that I couldn't help but watch him rock out to mellow melodies. Mr. Field was his name, I think. He had a couple of solos that were pretty awesome! I'm not sure what it is about a guitar plugged into an amp, then miked so that sweet tunes flow out of it, but those sweet tunes make me feel ALIVE! I could go to a show, concert or music festival everyday if the opportunity arose because I love the way my body starts moving and how I can FEEL the music...sigh.............. ;). Unfortunately, we couldn't stay for the second act, Corneille, but from the distant sounds, he sounded like more of my type of artist. Maybe next time.....
 Inna Modja's hit, "French Cancan (Monsieur Sainte Nitouche)"
Mr. Field rockin out!

Rad guitar solo and Inna dancing on stage before her 10 minute stroll through the crowd ;p