Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!!

Today marks two celebrations: our nation's independence and one month of living, surviving and thriving in France :D

I've always loved watching the fireworks on 4th of July, and always wished I could do it with someone special (luckily, I have done that in my lifetime.) Today I'm wishing I could do it all over again ;)

The 4th has never been a big holiday for me. When you're abroad, you learn to appreciate your country - it's history, legacy - and are proud to call yourself an American. Call me homesick if you want, but I wish I was home on the Delta of Stockton watching the fireworks with three little boys who light up my world ;D

Since today marks my one month anniversary in France (WOO HOO!) I've been compiling a list of things I truly enjoy about living here. I hope you enjoy....

1. Waking up to the birds chirping outside my window and breathing in the cool morning air.

2. Watching the green rolling planes go by when driving through the villages of France.

3. Old towns with narrow streets and cobblestone sidewalks. [I found (and walked) on a European street I've always dreamed of in Langres.]
Langres, a historic town closed in by fort walls that sits on top of a hill in the east of France.

4. Riding a bike at lightning speed through town because it makes me feel FREE like Julia Roberts in "Eat, Pray, Love."

5. That the speed limits read 90 and 110 on national highways (it only amounts to about 56-68 mph) but it feels like you're going 90 or 110 mph!

6. People watching on le Métro in Paris.
Rush hour

7. How fashionable the French are and that no one will leave their homes unless they're outfit is pressed.

8. Eating a fresh baguette on a daily basis.

9. That I have the time and can sunbath at least twice a week.
Unfortunately, the day I took this photo I was not sunbathing.
10. That I now pronounce the word, "Oui," "way" like the French do instead of "we" like we Americans do back home.

11. That the sun does not go down until just about 23:00h.

One of my best friends asked me about a week into my stay if I could see myself living here long term. I can confirm now that the answer is yes, but only if I'm at least an hour away from Paris (not 2 or 3) and if I'm not an Au Pair. I miss my FREEDOM!!!

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