Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Just remember, not all who wander are lost."

Dear friends, family and the kind strangers reading the story of my life,

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! It's been eight days since I've been able to sit in front of my Mac and write away, eight days too long!!! Life has been a whirlwind. Last week was London and Luxembourg. This week(end) it's Rochetaileé-Dijon-Wiesbaden-Frankfurt-Paris-and hopefully Rome! I'm just like my mother...I just can't sit still (shrugging my shoulders).

I've hit a few road bumps along the way, but I'm climbing up the hill and know I'll reach the top in due time. My wonderful, supportive and oh-so-loving godparents gave me a necklace with a quote on it, and it's been resonating with me more and more..."Just remember, not all who wander are lost." I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I changed the name of this blog from "Lover. Traveller. Entrepreneur." to "Lover. Traveller. Dreamer." I'm not yet an entrepreneur, I'm working my way up to that point. There's a ton of ideas twirling around in my brain, but no concrete foundations just yet. I have a little more soul-searching to do. I'm still dreaming, still wandering, but not entirely lost. Yes, I admit it, I'm lost dammit! But don't worry [Nina and Nino] I'm finding my way ;D

Perhaps, this blog will turn into something bigger, better and life-changing for all? Or traveling and living to tell stories about my adventures will become my mission in life? Or I may just open that tiny boutique patisserie on that cobblestone street in the city and serve up the most delightful pastries your lips have ever touched leaving you with a grin on your face ;)? Who knows? In due time, I'll share the outcome with you all.

But for now, if I haven't said it already, THANK YOU!!! Thank you for reading, staying tuned and sharing your comments/thoughts about my life/adventures here in France/Europe. You are the reason I continue to write. You are my inspiration. I hope you will stay tuned as I have lots in store for you :D (especially from the last eight days!) I would love to hear about your adventures as well, so feel free to leave a comment or two whenever your heart desires.

Merci beaucoup et a tout a l'heure,
Miss Arikka

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading your blogs to miles and Mia so keep writing... We have missed you. Xoxo kris
