Tuesday, July 3, 2012

TGIF! (Pardon the tardiness)

Good things always seem to happen on Fridays (well Wednesdays are pretty cool too, but today was a blast!)

I had one of the most relaxing, enjoyable, liberating 45 minutes this morning. For those 45 minutes, I did not have to cook, clean, iron, vacuum, mop, cook or clean. I was a customer, and a pampered customer at that ;D I got my hurr did today! [Sorry, Elise, I've been trying to hold off and grow my hair out for your wedding but I just couldn't take it anymore =(.] Luckily, Louise was there to help translate because Damien, my hairdresser, couldn't speak any English. Louise told him I spoke more Spanish, but he laughed at himself and said he couldn't speak anything but French. We got by OK with my hand gestures, and he did an awesome job! He was so laid-back and I kept admiring his style and plethora of tattoos. He had one on his knuckles that I absolutely loved and I asked him and Louise what it meant but she couldn't tell me...damn, I shoulda had my camera!

Not a good angle, but the work of Damien :D
After running in and out of stores in the city to get out of the rain, we finally caught the bus. Man, I really love how pleasant and friendly the bus drivers are in this city! We had the same bus driver from when we got on the bus two hours before. God bless her for driving in short circles all day!!! I would go stir-crazy, for sure!

I returned to back to reality when we got home and was back to cooking, vacuuming and mopping for the afternoon. I have to admit (and I'm not at all ashamed to) that I could never be a housewife. It's not my cup of tea! I only enjoy it for it's therapeutic value, but otherwise, I can't do it all day. I'm over it. I love working with people and using my artistic abilities too much to be stuck in a house all day by myself cooking, cleaning, etc.

Louise's friends came over in the afternoon and we went swimming. Actually the majority of the time I was taking pictures of them in the pool, rather than swimming, but I didn't mind ;) And I think I scored points with her Elaina and Solene because I baked gluten-free and dairy free cookies (that they actually liked) and Coca-Cola sans caffeine ;P The girls invited me to a concert that evening in the park, which I was thrilled about because I love, absolutely LOVE live music! Come to think of it, I think they may have just needed a chaperon because their parents were not likely to let them go, haha. Oh well, if watching three preteen girls on a Friday night meant I had the chance to see, hear and feel live music, I had to jump at the chance!

Inna Modja was the artist we went to see. Her music is feel good, head bobbin', body shakin', power of love type stuff. Inna was pleasant, but her guitarist was even more entertaining. He was jammin' so hard to each song that I couldn't help but watch him rock out to mellow melodies. Mr. Field was his name, I think. He had a couple of solos that were pretty awesome! I'm not sure what it is about a guitar plugged into an amp, then miked so that sweet tunes flow out of it, but those sweet tunes make me feel ALIVE! I could go to a show, concert or music festival everyday if the opportunity arose because I love the way my body starts moving and how I can FEEL the music...sigh.............. ;). Unfortunately, we couldn't stay for the second act, Corneille, but from the distant sounds, he sounded like more of my type of artist. Maybe next time.....
 Inna Modja's hit, "French Cancan (Monsieur Sainte Nitouche)"
Mr. Field rockin out!

Rad guitar solo and Inna dancing on stage before her 10 minute stroll through the crowd ;p

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