Wednesday, July 11, 2012

London Bridge is Falling Down, Falling Down, Falling Down...

...not on me though!

I'm not sure if it's because I was in London for more than four hours or if it's because it's so jolly, but I like London a little more than Paris. Is that wrong?!? I'm definitely going to visit Paris again to make my final decision. More on that later...

As soon as I stepped into the cabby, I was having a grand ol' time just driving through the streets of London to Buckingham Palace to have tea with the Queen. Louise and I received a special invitation (our official photos have not yet arrived...)

Seeing those rings was like nothing I've ever experienced :D
Our cabby was the 2nd one, The Black Widow ;)

Changing of the Guards Ceremony

My invitation to Buckingham Palace

I absolutely loved the proper English. NO slang, NO ebonics, NO Spanglish, NO Franglais...just polite and proper English! I could see myself living there because for one, I can speak English, and two it reminds me of New York, busy and bustling. The only problem's too darn expensive!

I got to eat one of my favorite meals as a child, Fish n' Chips, but obviously, the REAL Fish n' Chips and I was surprised, it didn't tickle my fancy as much as I thought I would :( I had my heart set on Indian since there's a vast population of inhabitants there, but I'll have to save that for my next visit. I did have some Japanese noodles at Wagamama, a fast service type of place with long communal tables (that's a great idea, by the way, if you're opening a restaurant.) The noodles weren't my cup of tea, but the coconut milk with lemongrass and lime broth was comforting as well as the bok choy (another childhood favorite!) I was so proud of myself for telling my waiter that he was a beautiful man and left him a rather generous tip ;p I'm not sure what the percentage rate for tips in England is, but I heard it's less than the states?!? Oh well, he was very kind, apologetic for giving me my change (which was a lot) in all coins since he just started his shift, and he even gave me a wink ;) so he deserved it!
The Real McCoy

Here are just a few photos from London (more to come later)...I'm off to Luxembourg to see "Midnight City."
London Eye
House of Parliament and Big Ben
On our river cruise on the Thames
Tower Bridge & The Battleship from WWI
Louise and I in front of the Tower Bridge

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