Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's not over until the fat lady sings!

And guess what? She ain't singing anytime soon in my book! ;D

After a rough weekend of no sleep, I'm back into the swing of things and on PST (Pacific Standard Time.) HOORAY!!!

I've got some final thoughts on My Life in France as an Au Pair (that's a good title for a book ;)), and life in general. I'm a much better person now after this incredible, enlightening and empowering adventure. I've grown up! Or as my bestie would say, "I feel like you just graduated!" I DID ;D

Lessons Learned:

1. Laugh at yourself every once in a while.
2. Shit happens. Accept it and move forward.
3. I enjoy people that get "The Big Picture." A new friend and mentor, Madame Leplomb was the first to teach me about this. Merci beaucoup, Madame ;)
4. I adore children. They are full of energy, inspiration, creativity and initiative.
5. Children do not like to wait, especially when eager to learn something new. Feed them with attention and knowledge. And if you challenge them, you will be pleasantly surprised by the positivity they exude.
6. When raising an only child, you have to find that delicate balance between giving attention and giving independence. If the scales aren't aligned, you'll be in for a rude awakening.
7. Red lipstick and a warm smile goes a long way.
8. I have discovered and embraced a new love for teaching. Thank you to all of you teachers who are reading this, you have improved the quality of life by the work you do.
9. I am not meant to be a housewife, maid, servant or anything along those lines. To my fellow suitors, if I was a housewife, I'd be damn good at it! But I'd make your life miserable with my discontentment, anxiety and non-existent passion for the work I do.
10. I love meeting new people and don't feel awkward breaking the ice anymore.
11. I'm phasing out of my people-pleasing attitude, because let's face it - that's unnecessary. We, as a human race, need to please ourselves! We need to make ourselves happy, LOVE ourselves because when we do we emit beauty out to our world ;D

(OK, I've got to babble about this one.
Picture this: You're going about your day interacting with people of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, professions, etc. and each one you meet truly enjoys their work or exudes a passion about the work they do, is grateful to be alive and kickin', comfortable in their own skin, aware of their strengths and flaws and comprehensive of what they can contribute to the world.
Now, don't you think the world would be (at the least) a fraction more beautiful than it already is?)

12. How to pronounce the French "r." ;D (So ecstatic about this one! Merci Louise!)
13. I don't enjoy traveling alone, but I understand there are some days when you just gotta do it.
14. I could live in Italy! And eat gelato for my three meals.
15. Being surrounded by the French has taught me to be more comfortable with my sexuality.
16. It's not all that bad getting your hands dirty and your feet wet.
17. Change is only possible when you choose to change.
18. In the words of Nike, JUST DO IT.
20. Helping others brings me joy, and what I want to do with my life is going to be a direct product of that!

1. Visited five countries, 13 cities and one village in 80 days.
2. Ran a bagillion miles all over France with the longest single run totaling 15.74 miles. 
3. Posted 44 blogs.
4. Spent time with family (my biological family) :D
5. Co-choreographed and performed a synchronized swimming routine with Louise.
6. Taught three English classes at a private French school.
7. Taught Louise to become more proficient in English, the importance of exercise, the meaning of the word "attitude" (and how to stop rolling her eyes at me) and to acknowledge that she is and will always be beautiful ;D

Favorite French Line:
Looking at my gold-tanned skin, "Ah, vous maroon comme moi, Mademoiselle!" (Which translates to: "Ah, you're brown like me, Miss!") said my waiter at Chartier in Paris. He was actually referring to my ethnicity, rather than my Italian tan, hah! ;D

What I'll Miss Most about France:
La vie!
The French (and I'd argue, Europeans) know how to enjoy life ;) The meals are long and filled with conversation with family and friends and an aperitif or two. The work week is typically 35 hours. If you work more, you get more time off. Everyone has 5-6 weeks off in the summer for "holiday." Free health care (or nearly free.) Less stress. Siestas. Cheap wine that actually tastes good. Fresh food. Even better, fresh baguettes - DAILY! And last, but certainly not least, DESSERT! It's a must, always included and always delicious ;p

Sa fait vrais, France.




The fat lady still hasn't sang! That's right, because this is just the beginning. I'm going to keep this blog up and running and hope you will stay tuned. Working on my next adventure as we speak. I think you'll like this one ;) it's exotic, BIG and full of life!

To be continued...

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I'm going to be a zombie today!

I got back last night from Paris, going into work at 17h00 and couldn't sleep much. is FUN!

Italia: Giorno 2 & 3

Globe at the Vatican Museum
Joana, my bud from Brazil & I in the Sistine Chapel below Michelangelo's famous, The Creation of Adam.
Roman artists are insane! This looks like a sculpture but it's actually a 3D painting on the ceiling!!
Spirals are fun!
Villa Borghese, the largest park in Roma is shaped like a heart <3
Lunch: Pizza Romana
The Spanish Steps (would have loved to see them at night, heard that's the best time!)
My favorite street..

I couldn't get away from the fountains in Roma! Here with Joana ;)
Now can you see why it's my favorite building?
Cool vid I shot inside the Pantheon

We spotted some talented kids outside the Pantheon.
The Streetles

I could live on this stuff!
It gave me the chills being inside!
This one came out pretty cool ;)
Colosseo in 360°
Yes, I ate it ALL (by myself)! ;P
Can you see the bubbles of grease glistening??? Ahhhhhhh....
My favorite dessert, Tiramisu!

Italia: Giorno

Long, long overdue...pardon me.

This story is going to be told mostly through photos because no words can describe the beauty, livelihood, connection and friendship I experienced there.

I will leave you with a couple things though...

1. Women in Italy drive scooters while wearing dresses and I think it's sexy! When I live there, I will be an even sexier lady ;) ;)

2. Roma is hotter than a MOFO! Wear sunscreen. And beware of the mendicanti!

3. If I was held hostage in any of the cities I've visited during my Eurotrip, I'd hope that Firenze is where I'd be held. I could live there!

4. My wild fantasies of becoming a foot model were shattered in Italia for climbing over 1000 steps and wearing the wrong shoes. Ladies, do yourselves a favor, don't try to look cute while traveling. Save yourselves and invest in a good pair of walking shoes and just be comfortable!

5. Gelato in Italia could be my BLD! (No joke, one day it almost was until the pasta craving came.)

My first sight of the Vatican.
St. Peter's Basilica
Every last detail from the floor to the ceiling was incredible!
From the dome.
Top of the dome.
Highest point in the Vatican, top of St. Peter's Basilica
And it's beautiful landscapes...

More of the beautiful dome.
Kinda of the late popes whose open casket is inside the Basilica.
Our most recent popes...RIP

The Pietà by Michaelangelo
The lighting is miraculous ;D

Not an odd site around this side of town.

Pseudo Ponts des Arts bridge in Roma
Castel Sant'Angelo
The Basilica stands out like a sore thumb from anywhere in Roma!
Courthouse near the Castel with amazing sculptures up top.
My first meal ;D
And my last. Ahhhhh...prosciutto! 
Dinner = Trio of pastas with new friends: Jared from LA, Kevin from Oakland and Larena & Meechele from Canada. This one I selected, Tagliatelle with Sun-dried tomatoes, Aubergines (like mushrooms) and Bufala di Mozzarella...Mmm...
Penne Pesto with Cherry Tomatoes and Speck (I think?)
Jared's favorite: Vodka Salmon Paparadelle

After dinner and lots of red wine, Jared took me out for an incredible night out on the town! Grazie, Jared ;P
Colosseo at night 
My favorite building, Monument to Emmanuel II
After hours of circling Roma, Jared & I finally found, the Fontana di Trevi.
Admiring the beauty...
..and making a wish ;)