Thursday, August 23, 2012

Italia: Giorno 2 & 3

Globe at the Vatican Museum
Joana, my bud from Brazil & I in the Sistine Chapel below Michelangelo's famous, The Creation of Adam.
Roman artists are insane! This looks like a sculpture but it's actually a 3D painting on the ceiling!!
Spirals are fun!
Villa Borghese, the largest park in Roma is shaped like a heart <3
Lunch: Pizza Romana
The Spanish Steps (would have loved to see them at night, heard that's the best time!)
My favorite street..

I couldn't get away from the fountains in Roma! Here with Joana ;)
Now can you see why it's my favorite building?
Cool vid I shot inside the Pantheon

We spotted some talented kids outside the Pantheon.
The Streetles

I could live on this stuff!
It gave me the chills being inside!
This one came out pretty cool ;)
Colosseo in 360°
Yes, I ate it ALL (by myself)! ;P
Can you see the bubbles of grease glistening??? Ahhhhhhh....
My favorite dessert, Tiramisu!

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